¡Buenos días Caballeros de Kingston! ¡Feliz viernes! Después de evaluar las condiciones esta mañana estamos ABIERTOS. Por favor, vístase abrigado. Continuaremos monitoreando el clima y lo más probable es que tengamos un horario de clima inclemente hoy. **Padres/estudiantes: Tengan en cuenta. First Student (compañía de autobuses) nos ha informado que NO recogerán estudiantes en el 173 esta mañana. Ellos monitorearán y nos notificarán con respecto a esta tarde.
almost 2 years ago, Hesperia Career and Adult Education
Good Morning Kingston Knights! Happy Friday! School is OPEN today. Please dress warmly. We will continue to monitor the weather today and will more than likely be on inclement weather today. **Parents/Students: please note that we have been contacted by First Student (bus company) and they will not be traveling or picking up on the 173 this morning. They will monitor and let us know for the afternoon.
almost 2 years ago, Hesperia Career and Adult Education
Due to the current weather conditions and the incoming storm, we are going to reschedule the African American Parent Advisory Committee (AAPAC) meeting on February 23rd to March 16th at 4:30 pm here at the District Office and via live stream. We have an amazing group of presenters scheduled to attend and provide information and resources around helping students become college and career-ready graduates. We can't wait to see you on March 16th!
almost 2 years ago, Hesperia Unified
We're hiring! Stop by and check out our job/teacher fair on March 7th and 9th from 4PM-7PM.
almost 2 years ago, Hesperia Unified
We're Hiring flyer
Kingston Knights help us celebrate the great gift of reading by participating in our Read Across America Spirit Week! https://live.myvrspot.com/image?v=OGY3M2E3MjExMDhlNGZjNjBlODVhODU2MjQ2MDk4NDY.jpg
about 2 years ago, Kingston Elementary
Read Across America
Join us for our ELAC meeting Feb. 21st @9:30am in the library. Acompáñenos en nuestra junta de ELAC el Martes, 21 de Febrero a las 9:30am en la biblioteca de Kingston. https://live.myvrspot.com/image?v=YWNlZWIyZmU1YzE3YWE5YzlhY2JiMjY2MWY5YzA4ZGM.jpg https://live.myvrspot.com/image?v=YmZjNTQ5NDljOTMwMDY5ZWY1ZDMxNjQ1OTUxMmJmNGE.jpg
about 2 years ago, Kingston Elementary
ELAC Meeting
There will be no school on Monday, February 20th in observance of President's Day. We will see you all on Tuesday. https://live.myvrspot.com/image?v=MzM2YmZlMGZjZWZjYTU0Njg4Y2FjZTM0ODEyNjcwMDk.png
about 2 years ago, Kingston Elementary
President's Day
We're hiring! Stop by and check out our job/teacher fair on March 7th and 9th from 4 PM - 7 PM.
about 2 years ago, Hesperia Unified
We're hiring flyer
Open enrollment will be held this year from February 17 through March 24. For more information please visit: https://www.hesperiausd.org/page/open-enrollment
about 2 years ago, Hesperia Unified
Just a reminder Kingston Parents/Guardians: Join us tomorrow, Feb. 15th @4pm in the Library for our PTC meeting. Come find out how you can get more involved at Kingston. We hope to see you there! https://live.myvrspot.com/image?v=MDllMTY0NDRlZDAwYWNiZmYzNWYxZGY1NGI2OWRlMjU.jpg
about 2 years ago, Kingston Elementary
PTC Meeting
There will be no school on Monday, February 13th in observance of Lincoln's birthday. We will see you all back on Tuesday! https://live.myvrspot.com/image?v=ZjM0MzVhNmUyNmNlZDk3Yjc1Njc1M2U1ZGZjYWYzMWU.png
about 2 years ago, Kingston Elementary
Lincoln's Bday
Kingston parents we need your help! Join us on Feb. 15th @4pm in the Library for our PTC meeting. Come find out how you can get more involved at Kingston. We hope to see you there! https://live.myvrspot.com/image?v=MDllMTY0NDRlZDAwYWNiZmYzNWYxZGY1NGI2OWRlMjU.jpg
about 2 years ago, Kingston Elementary
PTC Meeting Flyer
Kingston families, please join our ELPAC parent meeting to learn about testing and how it can help your child. It will take place this Monday, February 6th at 4pm. https://live.myvrspot.com/image?v=YTM2MTQ3Nzk1ODgyMDQwNDYzNGRlNmIyZDhmZWJiYzI.jpg
about 2 years ago, Roberto Calderon
ELPAC Parent Meeting
Do you come to school everyday? Are you an awesome Kingston Knight? Do you like rewards? You won't want to miss this. https://live.myvrspot.com/image?v=YjM4MTViNmE2YmRhZGMzYjBmZmQxNzFjYjc4MTkyMDY.jpg
about 2 years ago, Kingston Elementary
Attendance Reward
Kingston Families, There will be no school on Monday, Jan. 16th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. https://live.myvrspot.com/image?v=ODFjZWZkMTE0NWE5ZWE0ODg5NjkxYTMxNDAxOWMyOTY.jpg
about 2 years ago, Kingston Elementary
Kingston families, do you have questions about children and the use of social media? Do you want to become more educated about the danger of drugs and alcohol? Please join our HUSD Police Department on January 17 or 18 to learn more about what dangers to look out for when your kids are using social media and become aware of current trends in drug and alcohol use. Please see the attached flyers for dates, times and locations. We hope to see you there. https://live.myvrspot.com/file?v=ZWEyNmJmY2Q2NGI3MjYzYmZmMzk2NjM5NmM0NWIzODI.pdf&option=view
about 2 years ago, Roberto Calderon
Kingston Families, we will be having our PTC meeting monday January 9, 2023 at 4pm. The Kingston Knights need you. Come and see how you can help! https://live.myvrspot.com/image?v=OGI5MzI5YTczMDUxNDQwYTUwYmI2OGY3MTM3MWE2M2E.jpg
about 2 years ago, Roberto Calderon
PTC Meeting Jan 9, 2023
Hi Kingston Families! One of our 3rd grade classes had a visit from School Board President, Maria Gomez on Monday, December 5th. She came to visit Mrs. Herrera’s class to share a story. Students learned about place values up to 100 million in her story. We had a fun time!
about 2 years ago, Rachel Herrera
Ms. Gomez visits Mrs. Herrera's 3rd grade class.
Mrs. Herrera's class.
Kingston Families, check out our 5th and 6th Grade students collaborating with our 1st graders in some activities.
about 2 years ago, Roberto Calderon
5th Graders and 1st Working Together 1
5th Graders and 1st Working Together 2
6th Grade and 1st Reading Colab 1
6th Grade and 1st Reading Colab 2
Kingston Families, Just a reminder that we are holding our ELAC meeting tomorrow, 12/20 at 9:30am. We will be hosting our special guest, Gloria Acha who will be speaking on the many successes of being part of the ELAC program. You won't want to miss it! https://live.myvrspot.com/image?v=YjFjYzhhNThjYjgxMjkyZTg2NzgwYjM2MWQ3ZTU1ODk.jpg
about 2 years ago, Roberto Calderon
ELAC Meeting