The following links will give you information how to connect your child's chromebook to your wifi, login, online safety information, as well as other pertinent information related to chromebooks. There are two pages.
At this time kindergarten registration for the upcoming school year has been postponed until further notice. We will update you with new dates when that information is available. Please check back on our website on May 1st. Thank you
Hi Kingston Knights! Beginning today, 3/30/20, our office hours for phone calls will be 9-11 am, Monday- Friday. We will also be posting updates throughout the week on our website, social media, and through text messages.
Kingston Chromebook/Distance Learning Pick up Schedule
Estimados padres,
En primer lugar, gracias por su paciencia y comprensión mientras trabajamos en nuestros desafíos actuales. Nuestro Departamento de Servicios Educativos está trabajando con la administración de las escuelas y los maestros para implementar nuestro plan de aprendizaje a distancia y garantizar que su hijo(a) reciba una instrucción de calidad durante el cierre de la escuela por mandato estatal.
Nuestro plan es comenzar nuestro programa de aprendizaje a distancia el lunes 6 de abril. Para los estudiantes de primaria que aún necesitan su Chromebook, las fechas programadas para recoger los dispositivos son el jueves 2 de abril y el viernes 3 de abril en sus respectivas escuelas. Cada escuela está trabajando en un horario específico para organizar el proceso de distribución, el cual se le comunicará el 30 de marzo. Si no tiene acceso a internet en su hogar, los materiales impresos estarán disponibles para que los recojan en las escuelas. Por favor, deje un mensaje en la escuela con el nombre del estudiante, el grado y el maestro y el trabajo estará disponible a partir del 6 de abril y, a partir de entonces, según sea necesario.
Mientras tanto, continúe trabajando con su hijo utilizando los materiales complementarios ubicados en el sitio web del distrito.
Como recordatorio, se seguirán ofreciendo comidas la próxima semana durante las vacaciones de primavera en la escuela secundaria Cedar, la escuela secundaria de Hesperia y la escuela secundaria de Sultana.
Además, continuaremos brindando información actualizada sobre COVID-19 en nuestra sección de Preguntas Frecuentes en nuestro sitio web del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Hesperia.
En nombre de todo el personal del Distrito Escolar Unificado Hesperia, nuevamente agradecemos su cooperación durante esta situación.
Dear Parents,
First of all, thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through our current challenges. Our Educational Services Department is working with site administration and teachers to implement our plan for distance learning to ensure that your child(ren) receives quality instruction throughout the state-mandated school closure.
Our plan is to begin our distance learning program on Monday, April 6th. For elementary students that still need their Chromebook, the scheduled pickup dates are: Thursday, April 2nd and Friday, April 3rd at the school site. Each school is working on a specific schedule to organize the distribution process, which will be communicated to you on March 30th.
If you do not have access to WiFi in your home, printed materials will be available for pickup at the school sites with prior notice. Please leave a message at the school with student name, grade, and teacher and the work will be available beginning April 6 and, thereafter, as needed.
In the meantime, please continue to work with your child using the supplemental materials located on the district website.
As a reminder meals will continue to be offered next week, Spring Break, at Cedar Middle School, Hesperia High School and Sultana High School.
Also, we will continue to provide updated information regarding COVID-19 on our FAQ section on our Hesperia Unified School District Website.
On behalf of the entire School District staff, we thank you for your cooperation during this unique situation.
Good evening Kingston families and staff. Due to the order by the Governor to stay home, the phones will not be on tomorrow, 3/20/20. We are so sorry for the inconvenience. Please keep watching our Facebook page or checking the district website for current information. Have a good evening and stay safe!
Kingston Families,
I want to thank our community for the support they have provided during these challenging times. The impact of the coronavirus is affecting every aspect of our lives and forcing us to find creative ways to adapt to this unprecedented situation. To protect the health of students and staff members, and to slow the spread of the coronavirus, the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health, along with the San Bernardino County Superintendent’s Office, supports the Hesperia Unified School District and all districts throughout our County, to extend all school closures through Friday, May 1, 2020. Barring any further directives, we will plan on reopening schools on Monday, May 4.
Currently, on our web page, are supplemental learning resources for students by grade. Staff is currently working on distance learning operations, allowing teachers to develop and provide their students with lessons on-line. We are also developing a plan for distribution of Chromebooks for elementary students who may need them. Should your family not have internet access, these supplemental resources are available from your school site. You will just need to contact the school, where administration is available by phone to set up a time to pick them up. If no one answers, we ask that you please leave a message. When teachers’ lessons are available, you will be able to do this with the lessons as well. We are also investigating internet providers that are offering free or low cost internet services during this time. We are creating a Frequently Asked Questions section on our website and will keep this updated moving forward. I know there are many concerns about activities for our seniors, including graduation. I want to assure you that we want to provide these opportunities for our students who have completed this milestone in their life. We will address these events as circumstances dictate.
Student meals are continuing to be offered at Cedar Middle School, Hesperia High School, and Sultana High School in a “grab and go” format from 11:00am – 1:00pm Monday through Friday. Students must be present in the vehicle to receive a meal. Even though next week is spring break, we have decided to continue serving meals at the three locations. After spring break, we will determine if we can expand serving locations.
We are all in this situation together and I am confident we will navigate through this time. Please take time to enjoy your families and take care of one another.
![Covid-19 Update](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/778340/large_th-1.jpg)
Good afternoon Kingston Knights! This is Mr. Skinner, Principal of Kingston Elementary.
HUSD is committed to our students' continued learning during these difficult times. Our staff has prepared a supplemental learning website with various learning activities that will help students strengthen their skills and keep their minds active. Many teachers have been providing activities and support for students as well. This week, these resources are optional and do not need to be turned in. District staff are currently planning more extensive distance learning opportunities that will be turned in if school closures are extended. Families will be updated regularly. Please check out the resources available on our hesperiausd.org website. HUSD wants to remind all families to follow all CDC and State/County Dept. of Public Health guidelines and do their part to help our community stay healthy. Click below to enter the site.
![School closed](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/769141/large_1584143579000.jpeg)
Good afternoon Kingston Knights,
With the president's recent proclamation of a national emergency and Governor Newsom's latest executive order regarding the coronavirus, Kingston and all Hesperia Unified School District will be cancelling all activities (including school) next week, March 16-20. The following week will be spring break. While we tentatively plan to reopen on March 30, we will be assessing where we are at the time and communicate to our community if further action is necessary. Thank you for your support during this time.
![School Closed](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/769133/large_th.jpg)
Due to rain in the forecast the Hesperian Ninja Warrior Finals will be rescheduled to FRIDAY, APRIL 3 2020. Elementary will start at 8:00 AM, middle school at 10:15 AM, and high schools at 11:15 AM.
Hello HUSD parents and students. Here is the student calendar for the 2020-2021 school year (next school year). If you would like a hard copy of the calendar or have any other questions please contact the front office at your school.
Kingston Knights Fun Run
![Fun run](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/708321/large_1581777910000.jpeg)
Hello Kingston Families: Just a reminder about two exciting events happening at Kingston today. These two free events overlap and should make for a terrific evening! First, we have Cookies with Santa put on by our PTC (Free entry, decorate an ornament, meet Santa, and enjoy tasty holiday snacks. Vendors and family pictures also available for a fee). This event is at Kingston this evening from 4pm-7pm. Secondly, we have the Hesperia Jolly Parade. Santa and his elves are coming to Kingston by police escort! The parade should arrive at Kingston in front of the school around 6:00pm. I would suggest being here prior to 6pm. Hope to see you there for one, or both! For more information, please visit Kingston Elementary PTC on Facebook or call the school at 760-244-8869
Hello Kingston Parents! Hesperia Rec & Park District would like to invite you to the 2019 Fall Kids Kamp November 25, 26, 27. Please visit hesperiaparks.com for more information.
Hello Kingston Parents! We need your help. We are asking for donations of bags of unopened candy for our Halloween Parade. If your willing, please drop them off in the front office in our "Monster Bin". Thank you to our wonderful PTC for creating our decorated bin. You are amazing!
![Candy Bin](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/504388/large_IMG_0182.jpg)
Join us for Kingston Music Concert November 14th @ 6PM. Location: Sultana MPR
![Music Concert](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/503668/large_introduction_concert_flyer-1.png)
Kingston PTC Scholastic Book Fair is happening next week beginning Tuesday October 22 - October 25th